Sunday, February 1, 2009

The play's the thing...

I have been feeling a bit scattered lately and haven't been able to pin myself down to blog. Many little thoughts have crossed my mind and would've been fine blog entries but it seems they always escape me before I find the time to sit down and type. So here I am today, still not sure what to write about but need to just say Hi so that maybe I get out of my slump. I have actually been a bit more productive except for the occasional FB frenzy that seems to keep me from getting anything truly crossed off my to-do list. I was in a bit of a whirlwind of productivity this past week (a large feat considering my son was off of school all week!) but now I think I am just burnt from being "on" all week (even this weekend as my hubby was ill).  I do want to say that I accomplished something very important this week worth mentioning: I played with my son. Some of you might not think that 's a big deal. But I am not one of those moms that plays a lot with their kids, I am a strong nurturer but have a hard time just sitting down and playing for long periods of time. I wish this wasn't the case but I get bored or start thinking about what else I should be doing.The sad thing is that when I was a nanny, I played so much more easily. And those weren't my own kids! I don't think my mom played with me much either. It's not a part of parenting that I am proud of and it's hard to admit, because it breaks my heart to hear Julian say "please play with me, Mama." Especially if I don't then drop what I am doing and jump at this chance....but I am trying...and this past week, I will say that I really did play with him a lot! and it was fun. The house is more of a wreck this week but my kid is happy and so am I. Dishes and laundry can wait, after all. And now I look behind me and sweet hubby is doing them as I blog! 


mamalikey said...

I relate completely to this post. My older son would beg me to play and I had the same feelings (boredom, guilt, conflict). He was the kind of kid that wanted to "direct" me in various imaginary scenes that always had to do with animals. I would last about ten minutes and then want to put my head through a wall. Whenever we tried to play board games it would end up in a complete meltdown because he didn't want to follow the rules or god forbid I was winning.

Happily, I can tell you that he's grown up just fine. And he seems to have forgotten/forgiven me for being such a horrible playmate. Now that he's older we have much more in common and hanging out in "play mode" is good for both of us.

For whatever reason I can play much easier with my younger son. Part of it is personality type, the kind of things he likes to play and also that I'm not working as much now so I'm not as distracted. Oh the hours I've logged playing Zingo...

Regardless, he will remember you for being THERE, for cooking him his favorite things, for cuddling, for laughing at his jokes and comforting him when he gets hurt. We all do the best we can. He's as blessed to have you as you are him.

mama neeniebelle said...

Thanks J, I appreciate you sharing on does make me feel a little better. It is getting better too, just a process I guess.