Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The honeymoon is over....

I have been in a virtually blissful state for the past 4 months concerning my food intake and overall life changes, forging ahead and happy that it has felt relatively easy peasy! Enter evil food cravings.  Over there is a heap of self loathing and doubt. Straight ahead look for bumps and curves in the road (body) that scream for repair! I guess it was bound to happen but I am so sick of my food choices (or lack thereof!). The truth is I can be making much more choices than I give myself because a) there are more grains and veggies to discover and explore if I would take the time and energy to prepare them, b) I haven't really put items back into my repertoire since starting the inflammation diet back in October and c) I could go get some more testing done to determine what foods I have sensitivity towards since I have not been feeling all that great even off all the main culprits (I sense there is something I still consume that isn't my friend!). And of course there is my oh-so-long-ago abandoned exercising self that deserves some time in the ring again. I am just frustrated. I ate a few bites of wheat and dairy the other day and also some sugar and guess what? I WAS A BEAR THIS MORNING! I seemed to have lost my peaceful state of mind that I was loving so much as of late....could be the full moon, could be my own moon cycle, or a host of other things but I am guessing that it is indeed, yep, almost sure it is, SUGAR & wheat & dairy...ugh!!! This too shall pass I know but for now I am just gonna let myself feel the frustration and hope that it leads to further commitment and strides forward. So, tell me ,dear readers, what have you fallen out of love with lately???


Laurel Hermanson said...

Brutal honesty — I fell out of love with being a stay-at-home mom. I know, I'll burn in hell and Grace will be in therapy her entire adult life, but I JUST WASN'T GOOD AT IT. I saw an interview with Felicity Huffman where she was asked if motherhood was the best job she'd ever had, and she said, "No, and I resent you asking that." She went on to explain how ridiculous it is to expect every woman to love motherhood without acknowledging how difficult it is. I love Grace more than anything in the world, but being with her 24/7 was HARD.

Unknown said...

I fell out of love with seeing reviews of our movie. One person says it's edited too slickly, another says it's barely edited, another says it's perfectly edited. I used to make fun of filmmakers who said they never read their reviews. I've been reading every little blog post (don't get me wrong, most things have been nice), but I think next time I might be like those I used to laugh at. As per usual. Also a thought about the food stuff...I've been getting together with other people in my building every month for a dinner, and it's always vegan. I'm not much familiar with vegan cooking, but it has been a great way to learn some great recipes and also challenge my own cooking skills. I've been thinking about starting up a dinner night where everyone's challenged to cook without certain ingredients...o only with certain ingredients? Go all Iron Chef style...you could do something like that...

mama neeniebelle said...

Laurel- thanks for your honesty, it means a lot. (and Gracie knows how much you love her!)
A- I like your idea about the iron chef thing, kinda gives it a new outlook or exciting challenge for me...and I see your point on NOT reading reviews...but that must also be hard coming from your background as a film reviewer as well....maybe you can just have us fans read them for you and simply forward the lovely ones! :-)