Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nourishment on the whole & for the soul

When I began this blog, it wasn't my intention to only write about food (it still isn't) but I will say that blogging the other day about my cravings sure helped. In fact, the issue was practically lifted as soon as I posted. And I appreciated the support and comments that were left by some of you, thank you.  Please consider the comments area a safe place to air your own inner struggles as we are all in this together in one way or another. I have found that when I discuss my new lifestyle changes with others, it only reinforces the positive ways in which it is blessing my world. When I tell them the list of things I am not eating anymore: dairy, wheat, soy, corn, sugar, potato, pork, tomato, peanuts, caffeine, alcohol, & processed or fried foods, inevitably the first question out of their mouths is "What do you eat then?" and then "I could never do that!" So I thought I would give a little idea of what I do put in my body and also perhaps give a little inspiration to those of you with an inkling to eliminate or at least cut down on a thing or two in your own world. So here is a partial list of things that I eat regularly (I think you will find that there are a lot of choices here): 
  • A lot of Nuts and Nut Butters (except of course, peanut)
  • Alternative milks (Hemp and Hazelnut being my faves)
  • Chicken, Turkey, & Fish (organic &/or wild whenever possible)
  • Beef (Grass-fed WHENEVER possible)
  • Organic eggs
  • Fruits and Veggies (again, try for organic mostly)
  • Hummus (The Mediterranean one from TJ's is the best!)
  • Pasta (made from rice- Tinkayada Pasta Joy is the only one worth it-& it rocks!)
  • Vegan Pesto (New seasons makes 3 yummy varieties: Arugula walnut, basil, & walnut/cilantro)
  • Alternative grains (rice, quinoa, ammaranth, millet)
  • Bread, crackers, & cereal made from grains listed above
  • Herbal and decaf teas (being careful to watch for soy, often listed simply as "natural flavors".
  • Coconut Bliss
  • many great recipes from several allergy free cookbooks
So there you have it...it's very do-able...sometimes the balance in foods may be off, but there is always room for adjustments. Lastly, I have been going through a lot of old photos and memory boxes lately (must be the fact that we've been snowed in!) and came across something I had written for a writing class many years ago. It stemmed from an assignment in which the words "washed up" were given to explore and work into some sort of written piece. It's not a perfect poem but I still resonate with it's theme and felt I could share it here. 
It is 6 p.m. and I've just finished washing up for dinner. This will be a special night, for all around me at the table will be my loved ones, my family. Some from my family of origin, some my chosen family but in all, those I hold dearest in my heart & with whom I feel the most comfortable being "me". The circle around the table has no room for gossip or judgements, no place set for ill will & negative reinforcements. Only large helpings of love,respect,compassion, & kindness. Plenty of understanding & awareness with an abundance of goodwill & joy at each place. I feel warm & enveloped in this banquet, this feast of familial bonds. Finally, my hunger is gone, my needs are filled, my plate is full & I crave nothing more. I am nourished and never need to deprive or binge again. It is ALL there in perfect proportions.



mama neeniebelle said...
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stephen said...

first off I didnt realize I was in your account so I apologize for the confusion. now for my comments: Yeah I love it - We can be nourished in many ways not just the most obvious one- a full plate of food- but also the full plate of food may not be nourishing to all- it may be detrimental and damage us- and also sometimes what seems like an impossible task can end up like your cravings when put into the right circumstances be easily conquered....something to think about in this holiday season!(p.s. I love sticks and twigs!)