- For the chance to be there for my dad and Sarah during a very hard time when Laura was nearing the end of her life and tensions were high and a peacemaker was needed.
- For the gift of forgiveness, both to give it and receive it.
- For the loving support of friends and family through all that came up to greet me along the path this past year, and how I chose to greet IT!
- For second chances to make different, better (?) choices.
- For Obama winning the presidency and igniting a patriot fire within me and many others I know.
- For Facebook, it's just so darned friendly and makes the journey just a bit more fun and connected.
- For my husband's patience and kindness and love.
- For my son's amazing spirit and sweetness and general quirkiness.
- For wonderful dietary options that exist in this time in this wonderfully weird town.
- Thankful for all the people (celebrities, non-celebrities) who work hard to make this world a better place for everyone.
My statements of intention for 2009
- To continue to pay better attention to my body and treat it like the blessed gift that it is (talk about 2nd chances, & 3rd, & 4th....)
- To spend more time doing things that aren't screen related (i.e. spend no more than 2 hours per day on computer/TV/Movie viewing) and read more (not just as I am falling asleep in bed).
- Work on art projects weekly just for the fun of it.
- Breathe through my nose more.
- Keep purging until I feel like everything has it's place and purpose in this household and can maintain it all better.
- Spend more time outside with my family, doing something active and enriching.
- Rediscover the art of letter writing and partake in it weekly.
- Do things greener in my household and in choices I make out in the world as well.
- Blog and/or journal more often.
- Give to the world on a local and global level whenever I truly can afford to do so, be it in time,effort or finances.
- Create and grow a new life during this year.
- Spend more time walking and less time driving.